

"After silence, that comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

Italy is the birthplace of great musicians, just one of them is Gioachino Rossini Gioacchino Rossini or quie born in Pesaro, Italy, on 29 February 1792 and died in Paris, France, on 13 November 1868.

Without a doubt, well known especially for his operas and especially for the buffa is aware, that all this made him take the "throne" of Italian opera in the bel canto aesthetic of the early nineteenth century, a genre that emphasizes the beauty vocal melodic line without neglecting other aspects of music.

 Wikipedia gives us about him, he started playing in the municipal band for six years, Rossini showed extraordinary musical genius from an early age and studied music with his father. He learned the spinet with the vintner Giuseppe Prinetti, then Lugo, studied under Giuseppe Malerbi canon in whose library he read scores of great composers of the past. In Bologna, had the first professor at Angelo Tesei and enter the prestigious Lyceum, under the tutelage of the priest Stanislao Mattei, winning an award for a cantata at sixteen years old. As harpsichordist companion in theaters, Rossini is called to compose a short opera (1810) and, given the success he achieved, continue composing, particularly in Venice and Milan, with resounding success in most cases (the seventh won the Scala opera with fifty-three initial functions) and sudden failures, but consolidating itself as the first composer of his time (despite not having even twenty five years of age). In those moments, Rossini makes perfect musical gender bufo. Rossini had on hand, already at this early stage, a very great singers who thought when developing the melody of the characters, considering the possibilities of their voices. They were singers like Marietta Marcolini, Philip and Paolo Galli Rosich.  

The decade of the twenties Rossini will bring many happy moments, from marriage to his girlfriend Isabella Colbran (mezzo-soprano, who released his romantic operas, became his wife in 1822, having been her lover), to achieve international recognition, through in Paris be offered to the company's first Songwriter of the King.

France also will surrender to his feet, with his opera "William Tell" the best example of this success, introducing now, at this stage French ballet numbers in his works.

Some of the works of Rossini, conservative by nature but by its enormous dimensions innovative creators, provides the basis for romantic composers developed by his successors.

 We add, that difficulty posessed by operas Rossini's vocal is so extreme that, since the mid-nineteenth century until the seventies of the next, many of his works were impossible to sing, until the eruption of "supercantantes" such as Giulietta Simionato, Renato Capecchi, Francisco Araiza, Rockwell Blake, Marilyn Horne, Samuel Ramey, and so on., emulating the great Giovanni Davide, Philip Galli, Gertrude Andrea Giorgi-Righetti and Nozzari originally targeted by obrasçSe known that in 1816, premiere at the Teatro Argentina in Rome with a magnificent argument Sterbini Cesare, the work that is considered one of the five most famous in the world today. Based on the literary trilogy of the French baron Pierre Beaumarchais, the second part, The Marriage of Figaro, was made by WA Mozart opera, The Barber of Seville by Rossini originally a failure anecdotal, was a Verdi opera and dozens of later composers, praise effusively and all ages of the ages that have elapsed since its creation have liked. Previously set to music by the respected Neapolitan composer Giovanni Paisiello, the Barber, like many other operas of Rossini, permanently deleted from the lineup the works of great composers like Zingarelli, Mercadante, Mayr, Paër, Mosca, Coccia and Paisiello himself, remember only from today.

Some curiosities

we review that Rossini's real passion was Gastronomy. 

It is narrated that in 1830 and Rossini, at 38, decides to take a deserved rest of the composition and focus almost entirely to his true passion: gastronomy. The rest of that talk was accompanied by disease, both real and perceived, as it was quite a hypochondriac, yet he never abandoned a vital and get substance known to life.

As a story of passion and reference required that it raised the gastronomic theme, it says that in his life only cried twice: on the death of his father, and when he fell overboard from the boat a truffled turkey. This was understandable, if we consider that for the truffle Rossini was "the Mozart of mushrooms".

Radiciotti, biographer and well versed in Rossini, tells several anecdotes (Radiciotti 1927):

One night after leaving a concert at which the composer had just witnessed was approached by a Master WIFE "he said, I can finally watch this great side, who only knew from pictures! You can not go wrong: You have the hump in the skull of music.

- What you say about it, madam? Answered Rossini touching her belly. You can not deny it even more visible and developed. And it is true that my real hump is gluttony.

It is narrated that in 1864, Baron Rothschild as a gift sent him bunches of grapes from the magnificent conservatories, and received this response:

- Thanks! Their grape is excellent, but do not really like wine in pills.

Baron understood the allusion, and liked it so much this amusing comment, which was sent immediately to the Master a kilt of his best Chateau-Lafitte.

The composer Alberto Lavignac, who knew the vices of Rossini gave him occasionally a dozen delicious sardines which are caught in the Gulf of Gascony.

The Master once said: "Please do not send me these things on Saturday. On Saturday, there are always many people to the table with me, and I, when I would eat only sardines, but since I am such a good husband, I always give away to Olympia (his wife) ".

He said that Rossini, besides having very good taste in his mouth, he was an excellent cook, liking to cook, especially macaroni, which was passionate, so was the chicken pate with butter crabs .

In a famous encounter with Ludwig Van Beethoven, Rossini during the visit to Vienna in 1822, that to end the conversation told Rossini: "Above all, you compose-many-Barbers' referring to the most famous composition by Rossini)