What are dental implants? 

They are artificial substitutes for natural tooth roots. They are small tubes made of titanium screws placed in the jaws.

The purpose of dental implants is that people who lack one or more teeth to chew, speak and smile normally.

Objectives of dental implants

They support a full denture, making it more secure and comfortable.
They can support a fixed bridge, eliminating 2 problems:

- Do not use removable dentures 
- No neighbors teeth grinding. (help in replacing a single tooth, without disturbing the neighbors).
Improve Facial appearance: Each tooth has a crown and root.

There are several methods to replace the crown, but only the implant can replace the root, so do not waste your jawbone and facial volume shows a more youthful look.

Allowed to eat it all: Even if the fit is excellent, people with dentures can not eat whatever they wanted, or with the same comfort as with natural teeth, if something can be done with dental implants.

Improve comfort and speech: The teeth that seem to support dental implants, they run and are noted as natural and therefore do not present the inconveniences of dentures to speak or move.

Have a lasting effect: Dental implants are a long term solution that can last a lifetime, while the traditional treatment of false teeth without root should be repeated every so often overtaken by. 


How is it treated?


You use the same anesthetic technique as for extraction, operating time of an implant ranges from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Then the patient is removed on its own, it is recommended not to return home driving.

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